CP-Hilda 2, new yellow grain synthetic maize (Zea mays) variety resistant to horse´s tooth (Claviceps gigantea) for the Mexican highlands

Carlos De León-García de Alba


In maize production, seed of open pollinated varieties offers to the farmer a seed at lower cost than seed of commercial hybrid seed, it is not necessary to buy new seed every year, due to their genetic stability they can be planted for several years, it is easy to obtain, can compete in yield with hybrids, and can be propagated among farmers. Also, synthetic varieties offer more stability in grain yield and plant type. This work is the result of activities developed to obtain the yellow grained maize synthetic variety CP-Hilda 2, with good agronomic performance and genetic resistance to “horse´s tooth” disease, following a S1 recurrent selection program.


CP-Hilda 2; synthetic variety; S1 recurrent selection

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.1910-1


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