Chemical treatment to wheat seed to reduce the incidence of bacteria

María Florencia Rodríguez-García, Julio Huerta-Espino, Héctor Eduardo Villaseñor-Mir, Patricia Rivas-Valencia, Miguel González-González, René Hortelano-Santa Rosa, Leticia Robles-Yerena, Sergio Aranda-Ocampo


Currently the presence of diseases in wheat caused by bacteria has increased up to 15%, probably due to factors such as: low resistance, climate change and seed contamination. The objective was to evaluate chemical treatments for bacterial control in wheat seed. Seed of three varieties (Gálvez M87, Tlaxcala F2000 and Nana F2007) from four locations were used. Treatments were: hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite (2% and 5%) at three-time intervals (1, 2 and 3 min), Metacaptan (80, 90 and 100 g/100 kg seed), Cupravit Hydro (200, 300 and 400 g/100 kg seed) and untreated check. The treated seed was sown in Petri plates with nutritious Agar. The infected seed percentage (PSI) and the germination percentage (PG) were evaluated. The variance analysis showed high significance for PSI and PG. The product with the highest control of bacteria (Tukey, p?0.05) was sodium hypochlorite at 5% at 2 and 3 min which reduced the PSI by 80% compared to the check, followed by sodium hypochlorite at 2% at 2 min and Metacaptan at 90 g, and the least effective was hydrogen peroxide at 2 min. None of the products evaluated were 100% effective.


control; germination; varieties

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