Efficacy of microbial antagonists and chitin in the control of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in postharvest of mango cv. Azúcar

Yimmy Alexander Zapata-Narváez, Luisa Fernanda Izquierdo-García, Blanca Lucía Botina-Azaín, Camilo Rubén Beltrán-Acosta


The efficacy in the control of mango cv. Azúcar anthracnose in postharvest was determined by subjecting the fruit to a hydrothermal treatment at 53 °C; later two wounds of 2 mm deep were made and the fruits were immersed in suspensions of the antagonists or chitin in different concentrations. After, each wound was inoculated with a drop of 5 uL of the pathogen, and the fruits were storage at 23 °C. From this trial, Lysinibacillus xylaniticus Ap282, Rhodotorula glutinis Lv316, and chitin 10 mg L-1 were selected for showing an efficacy in the disease control of 49% to 69%. The bioassay was repeated, but adding the chitin to the hydrothermal treatment and evaluating the control of the disease from pathogen’s quiescent infections, storage the fruit at 13 °C. The combination of hydrothermal treatment and tempered of the fruit in the AP282 suspension presented the highest efficacy in the control of anthracnose (84%) in fruits inoculated with the pathogen, while, in the disease control from the quiescent infections, the combination of hydrothermal treatment adding the chitin or tempering in the microbial suspensions showed an efficacy of 83% to 89%.


Colletotrichum gloeosporioides; hydrothermal treatment; efficacy; quiescent infections

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.2102-1


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