Current status of Colletotrichum spp. in Mexico: Taxonomy, characterization, pathogenesis and control
Colletotrichum species are causal agents of anthracnose in a wide host range. According to taxonomic studies, Colletotrichum is phylogenetically classified into nine clades; the molecular identification of especies complexes is based on different conserved genomic regions. In Mexico, 46 Colletotrichum species have been reported, from which 28 were identified at morphological level and 18 at molecular level. The main species reported are C. gloeosporioides and C. truncatum as they affect a great number of hosts such as papaya, chili, mango, lemon, avocado, among others. This wide range of hosts may be because these species have different infection strategies according to the host: intramural subcuticular colonization or intracelular colonization. Control strategies for Colletotrichum spp. include physical, chemical and biological control, among others. The objective of this review is to know the status of Colletotrichum species in Mexico.
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