Etiology of rotting of gladiolus corms in storage in Cuautla, Morelos, Mexico
The advantages of Mexico as a floricultural producer lie in its diversity of climates and its proximity to the North American market. Currently the export of flowers and plants has been consolidated, gladiolus free of tariff. The main producing states are Puebla, State of Mexico and Morelos. Commercial production of the gladiolus cut flower is initiated through the planting of the corm; Which is affected by various pathogens that cause its rot, such as Penicillium that attacks during storage, causing limited root development and floral abortion. This causes infections through wounds and rupture sites; Is present in 90% of apparently healthy plant material. The objectives of this work were to isolate and to identify cultural, morphological and molecularly, as well as to realize tests of patogenicidad to determine the species of Penicillium that cause the rot. From the variety GrandPrix® corps (10/12) with different levels of morphological deterioration and according to visual hedonistic scale of seven-point. P. verrucosum Dierckx and P. rugulosum Thom were isolated and identified as the cause corm rot, the latter reported for the first time as a phytopathogen in gladiolus.
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