Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium solani in chili chilaca (Capsicum annuum) in Michoacán

Alfredo Reyes-Tena, Gerardo Rodríguez-Alvarado, Ricardo Santillán-Mendoza, Marlene Díaz-Celaya, Sylvia Patricia Fernández-Pavía


In Queréndaro, Michoacán, Mexico the chili chilaca crop (Capsicum annuum) has a great economic, social and culture importance, however, phytosanitary problems limit the production. In July 2017, diseased plants with wilt and necrosis symptoms were observed. With the aim to identify the causal agent of the disease, sections of 10-15 cm from stem and root were collected, and one fungal isolate from the Fusarium genre was consistent obtained (30%). The isolate showed abundant terminal chlamydospores with smooth wall, macroconidia with three to five septa and slightly bend apical cell, microconidia oval ellipsoids and reniform with and without septa. Pathogenicity tests carried out in a greenhouse conditions, 1.2 x 106 Fusarium conidia were inoculated on 45 day-old chili chilaca plants. Twenty days after the inoculation, chlorosis, wilt, necrosis on the stem and roots, were observed on the inoculated plants. The pathogen was re-isolated and the elongation factor 1-? gene was amplified. The sequence obtained was analyzed by BLAST against sequences from the GenBank. According to the morphologic and molecular characteristics, the causal agent of wilting in chili chilaca plants in Queréndaro, Mexico is Fusarium solani.


stem necrosis; chlorosis; phylogeny; Koch’s postulates

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.1904-1


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