Omics sciences potential on bioprospecting of biological control microbial agents: the case of the Mexican agro-biotechnology

Liliana Carolina Córdova-Albores, Lily Xochilt Zelaya-Molina, Norma Ávila-Alistac, Valeria Valenzuela-Ruíz, Nelly Ethel Cortés-Martínez, Fannie Isela Parra-Cota, Yamily Yazmin Burgos-Canul, Ismael Fernando Chávez-Díaz, Marja Liza Fajardo-Franco, Sergio de los Santos-Villalobos


At present, studies of biological control agents of microbial origin (BCA-M) have mainly focused on their taxonomic characterization, through the use of conventional molecular markers, and the in vitro evaluation of modes of action, or under greenhouse conditions, but limitedly under field conditions. Furthermore, recent bioprospecting studies of BCA of microbial origin mainly focus on Trichoderma, Paecilomyces, Beauveria, Pseudomonas, and Bacillus. Even when the research developed in Mexico on this topic has been active during the last years, the development and innovation of greater variety of registered and currently commercialized biopesticides need to be improved. In this context, the use of cut-edge techniques in the era of omics sciences (genomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics) focused on the correct taxonomic affiliation of BCA-M, as well as their modes of action and ecology in agroecosystems, will expand the bioprospecting and extensive use of these BCA in a more efficient, biosafety, and cost-effective manner. In the framework of the international celebration of plant health, this review critically analyzes the knowledge status of the aspects that limit the bioprospecting and extensive use of BCA-M, mainly in Mexico, from the application of omics sciences for the identification, selection, and study of action mechanisms of those agents until the dissemination and socialization of the generated scientific knowledge. The foregoing is intended to promote reflection on this field of knowledge and encourage the new generation BCA-M with a holistic and systemic vision for the benefit of sustainable and resilient agriculture.


Bioplaguicides; taxonomy; genomic; transcriptomic; metabolomic

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