Dieback disease of Prunus sp. associated to Armillaria spp. in commercial orchards in Michoacan, Mexico

Patricia Rivas-Valencia, Alejandra Almaraz-Sánchez, Adriana Cano-Salgado, Lervin Hernández-Ramos, Iobana Alanís-Martínez, Mario Rafael Fernández-Montes


The producing area of peach (Prunus persica) and plum (Prunus domestica) in Michoacan is located at Zinapecuaro county. Recently there have been symptoms of a progressive deterioration of trees that causes their death, increasing the risk of fruit production failure. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize molecularly the responsible pathogen. Five sites with previous experiences of having the problem were sampled: root, trunk and soil samples were collected. Signs of Armillaria spp. were found, which was confirmed by molecular sequencing of the Tef-1α gene (translation elongation factor 1α). The phylogenetic analysis performed, grouped the sequences as news species, phylogenetically related in the same clade as A. mellea, which is a very aggressive pathogen. At present in Mexico, tolerant rootstocks have not been identified and it is therefore recommended to continue searching for genetic resistance and improve orchard disease management.


molecular characterization; phylogenetic analysis; Tef-1α; molecular sequence

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.1702-1


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